Wednesday, October 29, 2008

My Sister's Special Day

Everyone Should Have A Sister - or Two!

I'm Lucky Enough to Have One!

Even though we are 7 years and 2 months apart (yes-I'm the older and wiser sister!Hee!) we have been BEST friends for years!

We shared a bedroom and a bed - and would stay up late (much to mom's chagrin) talking. I don't regret one late night and an almost impossible to get out of bed morning. It is because of this...that our relationship is strong.

It wasn't always this strong! There have been trials that have tested our friendship but never our LOVE.

Like, me going to COLLEGE and leaving her home alone with 5 brothers, three scary incidents and ALL the HOUSEHOLD chores.

Or, my first wedding day...ENOUGH said.

My DIVORCE...MORE enough said.

With these trials came a GREATER appreciation for EACH other and how SISTERS must stick together!

We have had JOYS!

Having our BOYS only 8 days apart. And through distance these two cousins are the BEST of friends. Just like there MOMS!

Watching your DAUGHTER be born! Wow - that is on my top 10 list!

Still wanting to TALK and share our often as our lives ALLOW!

So to you on this SPECIAL 30th Day - I Love You, I Applaud You, I Cherish You and am Grateful to call you SISTER!


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