Thursday, December 1, 2011

Being BLUE makes me happy....

I am so "giddy" over my new
of colors.
It has made me so happy as of late that I've decided to change up my LIVING ROOM
and create a piece that makes me happy to look at!
It may not make everyone as happy as it makes me...
and you might find it a little shocking at first,
but I am just downright
with it!

Here is what the table sort of looked like BEFORE...
(well not really because this is nicely painted and mine was a VERY used table)
Ron cut the legs down so I could have a coffee table for my front room.
After I painted it, sanded it and distressed it...
it now looks like this in my room.
 Of course I had to do a little shopping...
and find the perfect accessories,
and I still have a few more things to do...
but I'm so happy with it!
And I think I must like the word Happy today!
Originally I had only planned on only painting the legs
turquoise but when I stripped the black paint off the top of this pretty little table,
there was nothing there but ugly MDF board!
To me it is always fun to find what's hidden underneath and sometimes you get beautiful wood and 
other times ugly MDF or particle board.
But the exciting part is just taking the time to discover it and create a custom piece that just makes you


Shannon said...

You better let me come help on a project soon! I love that table!

lytj said...

Checked this out several days ago and didn't have time to comment--then forgot. You are doing wonderful with your home improvement projects! Are you sure you belong to Dad and me?!!