Sunday, January 8, 2012

A highlight and oh so much BEAUTY!

I grew up in the Ozark Mountains...
nothing like the mountains that I live in now.
We should call them just what they are....BIG hills!
So it wasn't until college in Utah that I learned how to go skiing.
I fell in LOVE with it the first time down the hill even though I spent most of the time on my backside or face plants in the snow!
We still live 3 hours
from the SNOW...but I've become hooked!
I love that we have now had our three children...
follow us to the beautiful high country of Arizona to ski!
I'm amazed at how strong and talented my children can be and how much 
they bring me!
Here are some of the pictures of our beautiful day.
We were so excited that we arrived at the slopes over and hour early...
we stayed warm inside the lodge at this cozy fireplace.
Rachel taking her first ride up the lift...can you see the excitement?
Can you see the thrill and JOY in my face? 
I can't wait to share this fun with Rachel!
Getting ready to take our FIRST run of the day!
Hold onto your "beanie's"!
She is so dang cute...she is my cautious skier!
It took her one run down to get brave enough to realize she knew how to ski!
My cutie girls!
I love being these two girls mommy!
I love that no matter how different these two girls are...
they still LOVE and DEFEND one another!
Chris has skills...
SNOWBOARDING skills that is!
Chris did a GREAT job snowboarding.
I was so impressed as it was only his 2nd time.
We hardly saw him on the slopes...he lapped us a couple of times, and I was so glad to get these few pictures of him!
We are a family that ski's!
Now that makes me go...

Footnote: We decided to go to Sunrise again this year but choose a different side of the mountain to avoid the large crowd at the main lodge.  We are so glad that we did as we heard from other skiier's that it was packed at the main lodge.  We also decided that Jacob was still to young and we left him with Cameron and Chelsea.  We are so grateful to them for taking such good care of him.  Lastly, Sunrise had gotten a record amount of snowfall and was noted as having the best snow in the Southwest since Utah and Colorado had gotten minimal snowfall.  However, a week later after our ski trip the snow has melted more than 20" with record high temps!  That is mother nature for you!

1 comment :

Jennifer B. Slack said...

Love to see that you have so much fun with your family. You are an amazing mother. Many hugs!