Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Walking In a Path I didn't Expect to Take

When I was young and in my parents home...
I walked a STRAIGHT and NARROW path, one that was easily guided with two
parents who taught me God's ways. 
I left for college 3 weeks after my 18th birthday and never looked back.
I used to think that somehow that made
me stronger
for having to learn how to LIVE on my own.
But the problem was...
I should have been looking back!
I knew the STRAIGHT and NARROW way...
and it leads to JOY and HAPPINESS.
But what happened instead caused me to walk a path I didn't expect to take!
People say you shouldn't have regrets,
because you learn from past mistakes!
But I do!
Have regrets that is!
Now it wasn't ALL bad...I have FOUR beautiful children, 
some amazing friendships, 
and the honor of serving a mission.

 I'm NOW walking the better path....
with these beautiful children!
Christopher, Rachel, Katie and Jacob may you always walk in God's path for you.

1 comment :

lytj said...

Can't wait to get and give hugs from all that good looking bunch!