Monday, September 29, 2008


Yesterday my children have never made me more proud than when they sang as a family, "I AM A CHILD OF GOD" for our ward sacrament program!
We have been practicing at home for over a month - and have even "performed" in front of Ron and anyone who was willing to listen. One day we performed for Nana (Ron's mom) and her two sisters who are not members of the church. Isn't it amazing that a song accompanied with the spirit can bear testimony to others? Later they told me what wholesome, pure, happy, healthy children I had. I knew it had everything to do with there knowledge that they truly are CHILDREN OF GOD!

Sunday, September 28, 2008

42 and Counting!!!

HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MY BROTHER GARY! My oldest brother turned 42 yesterday!
GARY - great outdoorsman
KASSIE - good at everything
KALLIE - smart and beautiful
GABRIELLE - artistic and shy
BAYLIE - great at being a friend

SOME of the reasons we love Gary's family.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

A Tradition for the AGES

One of my children's favorite birthday traditions is me retelling them all about the day they were born. Not only does the child with the birthday love the story but the rest of the children gather around as well. And I honestly don't know why each year they act like it is a new story that they've never heard before. Are they waiting for a new surprise ending - that the outcome was that they weren't born on this day?!? It is so fun to watch there expressions and to hear them ask the same questions that they did last year. I have a feeling that this tradition will be one that we tell throughout the ages!
SO Katie's birth story (which may only change with my memory!) is that I awoke that morning and wasn't feeling good. I didn't have a lot of pain-I just didn't feel like myself. Christopher had a Community Center class with my neighbor so when I went to pick her up and take them to there class-my neighbor stopped me and told me to go inside and rest and that she would take the kids. When I got back she said I looked bad and that I had better call my doctor. I didn't do anything sooner because Katie's dad was going in that morning to quit his job - so I had been waiting to hear from him to find out what was going on. When I called the doctor she told me to come in immediately. The rest is pretty much history - she came about 6 hours later and was the most beautiful, sweet, little thing I had ever laid eyes on. Things haven't changed a bit-she is still my sweet, little Katie!
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Can you say - Lucky?

MY KIDS HAVE BEEN BLESSED WITH THE BEST STEPDAD IN THE ENTIRE PLANET! Not long ago during a discussion with my kids we started talking about Ron. While they were telling me how much fun he was and all the things they loved about him - I started to cry. It dawned on me at that moment that my children were lucky. It isn't very often that a man can step into such a huge role so easily and love children so unconditionally. I prayed in that moment that my children would always be grateful and know that they had truly been blessed.
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Friday, September 19, 2008

Jacob Gives the Best Huggies

Jacob - my funny little four year old! You really crack me up sometimes. Whenever I tell you how smart you are - you always say, "I Know That!" When you want to add emphasis to a statement you always add, "Got It Mom!" When you are getting in trouble you always say, "I'm going to be really mad at you now!" When you are needing mommy's love you always say, "I need a huggie!" Then you run up into my arms and give me the biggest huggie I've ever had!

Jacob your huggie's make me smile and make all the bad stuff in the world go away!

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Happy Birthday David!

HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MY BROTHER DAVID!! (He's the one on the right! Robby and Shayla on the left!)

I tried looking for a picture of my brother and me together and could not find one in the last 5 years. I was saddened to think that in all my visits home and his visit here last year - that I had never taken the time to spend just 5 minutes alone with him. Obviously our lives have changed with marriage and kids but I hope David knows what a great man I think he is!!

David and I used to share some of the best one on one discussions - he has always been a great visitor and a great friend!

So David, on your 34th Birthday, I wish you nothing but the best! You are a great husband, great father, great son and a GREAT brother! I love you!


My Mom makes the best bread on the planet!! And I'm not exaggerating! I am not afraid to let anyone know that because the proof is in her bread! So once a year for 19 years I have been traveling home to see mom and I always ask for her bread!! She never disappoints - and there is always plenty of bread on hand.

I introduced this to my awesome husband two summers ago during our visit and he has been asking me to make it ever since. The thing is - I was afraid too! Mom's bread is the best and mine would never be better!!

Well I've been inspired to stop being afraid so I made my first loaves of bread!! And you know what? They turned out sooo yummy that I had to drive to Ron's (that is my awesome husband) work to show him the results!!

Did it work? I got a big thumbs up! His mouth was full of bread!! Yummy!