Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Tis the SEASON for....

We started with Christopher's Dance Performance.
Yes, he is in Dance at school...
it is quite the popular class for boys' at his school...
who knew!?!
Ryanna and Christopher have been friends since BIRTH.
I have TONS of pictures with these two together...
and even though Christopher is older,
he is ALWAYS shorter!
(I didn't bring my camera...darn I got this cute picture from my good friend Deanna!)
The 5th Graders at Cortina Elementary had been working
hard on a musical/dance performance to songs from the 
Rachel and her best friend Summer
signed up to do a duet!
They sounded so CUTE and I was so proud of Rachel.
She couldn't sleep the night before.
When I asked her why she had signed up to do it if she was so afraid, she told me "I just needed to do it MOM!"
I understand that!
These are the cute girls from THE ARABIAN DANCE number.
I did take VIDEO of her performance but it somehow got deleted!
Then we were off (on the same day)
to Katie's HIP-HOP dance class at the 
Queen Creek Community Center.
Katie took this class with her Best Buddy Baylee.
And Lucky for me...Ron was in charge of the camera and
we got VIDEO.
Check out her dance moves!

1 comment :

Deanna said...

I was so proud of those girls. Rachel's comments remind me of the quote we just talked about: Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the judgment that there is something more important than fear. There was something more important for her and she pushed through and accomplished that! They did a great job!!!