Monday, November 28, 2011

Giving THANKS....


Katie and Jacob made these darling headdresses for everyone to wear.  They spent several days and lots of hours and I was so impressed with how well they turned out!
Everyone was good sports...and wore them...even for our picture!
I loved using my NEW message board I made at a Relief Society Craft day...
for our Thanksgiving Menu!
Nothing fancy...just the basics...yummy!
I made two games for the kids including:
Don't EAT tom!
Turkey HUNT!
Everyone grabbed a tag off the tree...
then they had to go look for that TURKEY
somewhere in the neighborhood!
The kids couldn't wait for me to say "GO!"
Cameron and Chelsea hid the TURKEY'S for me!
We are so grateful for family and friends who spent a special 
Thanksgiving DAY with us!

1 comment :

Shannon said...

I am grateful you opened up your home to us that day. Sure love you!