Sunday, September 13, 2009

To Comment or not to Comment...

Okay I'm posting this to comment, that NO one likes to comment!
It's not so much that I
need the recognition...because I am doing this for 2 REASONS.
1. For my MOM...because I know she reads it regularly and really loves to know what we are doing. And since we live so far away, it gives us a great opportunity to stay in touch in a way we've never been able to before.
2. For me, Ron and my kids...I'm hoping that as I write these stories down, we won't forget all the GREAT blessings God has given us and that my children and Ron will always know of my enduring and endearing LOVE for them.
And since no one posts comments,
I'm going to clean up my READING list to only those who are READING my blog.
So if you would like to stay a READER,
please respond within the next 30 days.
All other names will be removed so I can ADD other readers.


lytj said...

You had added quite a bunch since I checked the other day. I do love seeing the pictures--and your explanations. Keep mom on the list!

mel03 said...

Hey girl-- I like keeping connected with you and see what you and your family are up too. Love ya girl.

Jennifer B. Slack said...

I check regularly. I find great strength in your posts. Thanks for taking the time to do it. You are awesome!!! Hugs~

Deannie said...

Hey Jana! Don't delete me, I read your blog regularly! I will try to comment more, I'm just always in a hurry, but I do read them! And I love them, you're a great writer! I have to get better at commenting to other people's blogs and adding to my own blog as well. You're my inspiration! Love ya!

jarvid14 said...

me tooo