Thursday, October 30, 2008

Toof Fairy Park

TODAY's Highlights included:

1. Rachel's own version of CRAZY sock day! This GIRL is so dang creative!

2. Nursing JACOB's banged up toe! (And no, this is not his big TOE - just looks like it!) Looking in HIS eyes to tell him I LOVE HIM + Kissing HIS OUHIE and Him telling me back with one of those great BIG huggies = CONFIRMATION that I love this time alone with him and I wouldn't trade this MOTHERHOOD thing for NOTHING!

3. TEXTING my Sweet Husband to tell him how much I love HIM!

4. Spending the whole day in my PAJAMA's - Knowing I didn't have to go ANYWHERE or see anyone the WHOLE day. (Of course, someone always stops by unexpected! UGH!)

5. Cleaning MY house after COMPANY leaves and LOVING how good it feels.

6. TAKING the Girls to Activity Day's for the Halloween PARTY! Laughing so HARD at Rachel and Summer and there versions of Napoleon Dynamtie and Pedro! Wondering where Rachel got the Drama GENE!?!

7. JACOB begging me to take him to the "TOOF FAIRY" park - or our version of the TWO Story Park!

8. SPENDING Quality time with my husband - AFTER the kids go to bed!

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