and (SEVERAL) dollars short!
I finally am getting around to our HOLIDAY newsletter.
was so FINE...yes I rhyme!
We enjoyed so many VISITOR'S at spring time
that we could hardly keep up!
But we enjoyed EACH and EVERY one and hope they come back this year for some more of that
Arizona SUN!
In MAY we celebrated Cameron's one year MARK...
and looked forward with the GREATEST
anticipation for his return.
But more importantly we are grateful he is where
he is supposed to be...
doing exactly what he should be doing!
In June, Christopher was able to go to 2 scout camps...
which he enjoyed immensely but was worn
out from head to toe!
In July we headed to the beautiful state of
We enjoyed it soooo much we didn't want to leave!
And with 2 new grandbabies born this year...
it made it even harder to be away!
The rest of the year flew by so FAST that I can hardly
believe we are in the year
My kids are growing up,
Chris is almost 13 and a 7th grader at Cortina. He was able to enjoy playing on the (almost) undefeated Basketball team
and is playing for the Championships for Football this week!
Chris has MANY friends and we enjoy his group of friends so much that we have them over OFTEN.
And his SCOUT leaders are some of the best I've ever seen.
Rachel is 11 and in the 5th grade at Cortina.
On the brink of being a YOUNG lady.
She is our of the party kind of girl.
Everyone at school loves her silliness...especially her teacher!
Rachel's HOBBY is hanging out with friends,
although she has a GREAT creative gene!
(Not sure where she gets that one!)
Katie is 9 and in the 3rd grade at Cortina.
She is still my OBEDIENT child.
However, I told her that I could tell her brain was splitting,(something that does medically happen at this age)
because she had developed a little bit of
She said, "Is that why my head hurts?"
I'm still cracking up over that one!
She set a goal to be on the Principal's LIST so she could eat
lunch with the principal.
She was one A short first quarter...
but jumped up and down (Oh that was me!),
when she got ALL A's second quarter! Yippee!
Jacob is almost 6 and in Kindergarten at Cortina.
He wasn't sure he was going to LIKE school and it took
several calls from the Principal and Teacher
before Jacob decided
He has changed the most this year...
he is growing up.
And despite MOM excited about the idea of all my kids
in school...I still cried on his FIRST day of school!
Ron and I continue to LOVE
everyday we have been given together...
and we couldn't be HAPPIER.
We LOVE our GREAT big family...
8 kids,
2 son-in-laws
and 3 grandbabies! wonder we LOVED 2009.
Happy New Year all of you!
From our HOUSE to YOURS!