Monday, January 3, 2011

2011 - New Year...New Resolutions

(My wonderful family on Thanksgiving at Nana's house)
Wow...what happened to 2010?
I'm sad that I'm NOT doing a BETTER job
at keeping up on my BLOG.
It is my "poor excuse" at Family History and Journaling....
it is all I've GOT and 
something is better than nothing...right?!?

I do have a lot of GOOD excuses:
1.  I'm a Full-TIME wife
2.  I'm a Full-TIME mom
3.  I'm a Full-Time (plus) employee
4.  I'm a Full-Time cook
5.  I'm a Full-Time house cleaner
6.  I'm a Full-Time decorator/organizer
7.  I'm a Full-Time taxi driver and scheduler

You get the picture?
and something is gotta give!
So during the last few weeks I've made a VERY important
I'm taking time out to learn how to be a better mom...
thanks to a great book called,
"Christlike Parenting"
which I highly recommend.
I'm taking time out to LOVE my husband again!

I'm finding activities that are enjoyable for our whole family!
Lastly, I have just one client...
the others are GONE as of January 1st...

So onward I go...
hoping 2011 will be all I want it to BE and all I make it out to BE!


Nicole said...

Congratulations on the resolutions! It's nice to see such an uplifting resolution. I'm a little opposite, my life feels a little slow sometimes and so I try and cram it with stuff that isn't that important and then I think "why don't I just enjoy the down time of having one child"?? So today I played pirate ship with that one child :-). It's nice to just enjoy family.

Jennifer B. Slack said...

Jana, I just love reading your blog. It is always so uplifting and positive. You have great ideas and your love for your children and husband shine through. I thank you so much for sharing!!!