Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Hillbilly Hootinany in the works...

Ron and I have new church callings...
Scout Committee - Advancement Chairs.
But our Bishop informed us...we would keep our Activity calling
for one last shin dig!
It is our 'Hillbilly Hootinany'.
And I haven't done much in the way of "CREATIVE" works...
in fact I realize,
I'm CRAFT handicap.
So... I was pleasantly surprised that my first creative works
in awhile...didn't turn out too bad.
I made 2 posters...and 2 sign up folders!'s time to work on the decorations!!


lytj said...

You got all that craft ability from me, right?!!

jacque said...

You don't give yourself enough credit....hello, look at your house, it's decorated amazingly!

Jennifer B. Slack said...

You definitely don't give yourself enough credit! You have talent coming out your ears! I love it!