Thursday, July 8, 2010

a REUNION like none other....

(First moment in Mission Home!)
Ron cried for 6 months straight when
left on his mission 2 years ago.
Seriously, no one could bring up Cameron's name without
 tears welling up!
Then for the next year...he managed to maintain control.
But the last 6 months,
the months' before
Cameron's arrival home...
Ron's tears were turned back on!

So I can not perfectly describe,
what a reunion is like
between a FATHER and a SON
like the reunion these two had.
However, if you have read the Book of Mormon...
the reunion between Alma and his beloved brethren
the sons of Mosiah...
is the closest thing I can use to describe this 
AMAZING reunion.

I'm just grateful that I got to witness it...
because it strengthened my relationship with God...
and made me thankful these 2
amazing men our in my life!
(Picking up our luggage in front of our hotel...first day!)

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