Friday, September 10, 2010

My medical NIGHTMARE...

Eight weeks ago today...
my life changed FOREVER!
I am finally ready to tell my story of my
During a routine surgery where I was having a hysterectomy to
rid myself of the constant pain of endometrosis,
my gynecologist cut my ureter.
This is the tube between your kidney and bladder. 
(A tube I didn't REALLY know about until now!)
Somehow, I knew something was wrong...
right from the start.
Turns out GAS isn't my poison,
nor were my tests normal!
They just weren't looking in the right place!
The amazing part is that for FIVE days,
the only FIVE days
I had my children before SCHOOL was to start...
God blessed me with the ability to "change the course"
my body was heading to...
but only for FIVE days.
Those FIVE days were the best I've had in EIGHT weeks!
We managed to do everything we needed to do...
to have them ready for the FIRST day of school.
Then we dropped them off...
exactly two weeks after my first surgery,
to spend FIVE days with their dad.
And we headed to the cooler country of Arizona to spend the
weekend with NANA!
Only one hour after dropping the children off...
my PAIN began.
We managed to enjoy the cooler weather of Arizona for two days,
but I still knew SOMETHING was wrong.
Upon our return home,
thinking I must have the most horrible bladder infection...
I had Ron and Cameron take me to the hospital so I could
start on medication right away!
During that visit to the hospital....
after being hooked up to an IV,
I began screaming and crying in PAIN!
I was told my TESTS were normal.
Except this time they found that my RIGHT kidney seemed to be
But they sent me home...
telling me to call the doctor in the morning.
I didn't sleep one wink...the pain was TOO much.
Ron reluctantly went to work,
I got a hold of my doctor who was heading into surgery...
told me to come in later,
but LATER couldn't wait.
I called my bestest friend LISA who was at my door in 15 minutes.
During that time, I received a text from Ron.
"Are you okay?"
My reply,
He quickly called and I told him I was heading to the Emergency 
He met me there!
From this point on...the experience of the next FIVE days...
are too horrible for me to talk about yet!
I can only say,
that GOD gave me the amazing capacity to endure...
and to FORGET!
During that week, I experienced three failed surgical attempts at 
the torn ureter.
The only relief I found was in a small box that produced the 
strongest PAIN medicine on the market...
and even then...
when I pushed the button,
it didn't always produce the meds my body was looking for...
and the LOVING grace of GOD
who never left my side...
and that made me feel that GOING to the other side...
might BE the better option!
One more surgery the next week...
FAILED again to fix the ureter.
We changed doctors and found the most amazing
UROLOGIST in Arizona!
Thirteen days later...he CUT me open,
CUT my bladder open,
CUT off the torn part of my ureter and sewed it all BACK
WHEW....this surgery was intense...
and much more painful than the previous FIVE surgeries!
But I was FIXED...
and that gave me the HOPE I've needed to ENDURE!
I'm still trying to COPE with the idea,
that one small mistake...
created such a MAJOR ordeal,
and caused me the MOST pain I've ever endured in my LIFE!
But all I can do is FORGIVE...
and in doing so I will be WHOLE again...
in more ways than ONE!

Postscript: During this time, I did not take ONE single picture! I just couldn't stand to see the LOOK that might just be in my eyes if I did! So you will see no pictures of my LOVELY neuphrostomy bag that was attached to my kidney for two weeks or my Foley bag that I carried urine in for two weeks, or the weight loss of 10 lbs. produced from the weight loss diet from HELL!

1 comment :

Unknown said...

I feel your pain. I was intending on giving birth to my third child naturally with no pain meds. After laboring for 14 hours my doctor advised me to have a c-section for the baby's safety or for her schedule, from what I hear from her other patients I think it was more for her schedule. Anyway, she cut my left ureter during the c-section! 16 days later I show up at my post op appt. complaining of the nightmare of pain and anguish I had been going through the previous 2 weeks. I was not sleeping, at all. I literally looked like the walking dead. She sent me home with a prescription for ambien and told me to get some rest. 3 days later, I go back to the ER.... and during that 10 day hospital stay they discovered the ureter injury, I experienced severe anxiety, I was put on all kinds of psychiatric drugs to help my mind deal with what had happened to my body. I left the hospital with a nephrostomy tube hanging from my back and 12 pounds lighter. I immediately saw a urologist with a different hospital, he couldn't repair the ureter right away because I was severely anemic. I was needing a transfusion but opted not to get one. So I waited 3 months to have corrective surgery with that nephrostomy tube still in my kidney. It's now 2 months after the ureteral reimplantation surgery. I still feel pain and discomfort every now and then, but I'm okay. God is taking care of me. In his hands.