Saturday, August 8, 2009

Happy Birthday to my SWEETHEART!

Photobucket We enjoyed a NICE dinner at PF Chang's with our good friends!

My Sweetheart turned 48 last week!

A birthday letter to follow:

Dear Sweetheart,

Yesterday while spending much needed ALONE time with you at the lake, as you were hugging thoughts turned to HOW great my life has become. I came up with the following reasons.
1. The love you give me is NATURAL and not forced.
2. The love you give me is UNCONDITIONAL and not for show.
3. You help me see that I am "better than I think I am".
4. You make me want to be "better than I think I can".
5. You don't just EAT my cooking cause you have actually LIKE my cooking!
6. You thank me EVERYTIME I do the laundry!
7. You watch "chick flicks" with me and don't complain!
8. You love my children...the way I LOVE them.
9. You provide for me and my children...lovingly and without complaint.
10. You have brought me BACK to my roots...reminding me that I'm a country girl at heart!

I sometimes want to PINCH myself and wonder why I am getting to LIVE this wonderful life with you. I adore you and everything about you.

Happy Birthday Sweetheart!


Your wife,

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