Monday, August 10, 2009

New School Year...Surprising Feelings

Today was the FIRST day of school 2009-2010
Christopher started 7th grade, Rachel 5th, Katie 3rd and Jacob Kindergarten.
I have looked forward to this day since Christopher started kindergarten 8 years ago.
I was so excited when they announced it would be all day kindergarten I literally
started JUMPING up and down.
But I have had some surprising feelings in the last two days.
I will MISS my kids a lot.
We had such a GREAT summer and they are GROWING up so fast.
I worried dropping Jacob off in class today whether the
BIG world out there
would take the innocence away of his YOUTH.
Would they take care of him...would he know where to find his lunch...would they know how to make him feel better when he was feeling sad...would they know when to send him to the bathroom?
I started to CRY.
He wanted me to leave...he was playing LEGOS and assured me he was fine.
Sometimes we wish for things to happen and then when they do...
we wish we hadn't wished so hard!
I assured the teacher I could be back at 10:30 for lunch if he needed help!
She promised she would call me if he needed me.
We moms are funny creatures ourself...aren't we?
All because of the LOVE we have for our children.

Christopher is DONE taking "First day of school pictures!"


Rachel my cute 5th grader!

Katie my cute 3rd grader!


Jacob my cute Kindergartner!

Rachel was so excited to walk Jacob to class!
Jacob was so fear at all!

Katie's best friend and neighbor - Bailey
Rachel is a little nervous this year...she has some girls that were mean to her last year in her class! We are praying for a better outcome this year!
Ron had the opportunity to give all the children "Father's Blessings" before school started!
Jacob was so excited to have his "first" before the school year blessing that he RAN to get the chair and then folded his arms and closed his eyes so he could be first.
Ron gave all of them a HUG and KISS afterwards and Jacob gave him the BIGGEST hug of all.
I absolutely LOVE these children I was blessed with to RAISE.
Good luck to each one of you this year!
By the way, I'm REALLY proud of ALL of you!

1 comment :

Deanna said...

Jana, I'm glad they had a good day. That first day is long. I remember mine all coming home from 1st grade the first few weeks and crying. We came up with the idea of putting a picture of them and me inside their pencil box so they could look at it when they missed me! It worked. I'm so glad you got to take your trip to the beach last week. That looked like so much fun. BTW, I'm going to have to postpone lunch for at least a little while. Hope that's okay. Hope all is well! Love ya.