Sunday, August 18, 2013

Prized letters and a green thumb...

Several weeks ago I mentioned in this post
how my Mom
has managed to stay connected to her children
through a weekly letter
she sends to all of her children
every SUNDAY night for the last 24 years.

When I left for college during the middle of my senior year
to a far away college in UTAH...
I boarded that airplane thinking I was OUT of that small town...
for good and I would never look back!

But every week my mom reminded me of her love for me and of the happenings the rest of the family was
doing at home.
It helped me stay connected to her and to my family...
and to my hometown.
It also helped that she sent a $20 bill in each envelope to help me get through that first semester of college.

Now my mom's letters are no longer handwritten,
or typed on a typewriter...
but a faster version
with the ease of technology and the internet...
and of course, no money is attached...
but her letters are still my prized possessions.
Yes mom...
we do read them!

Recently she has been sending her letters filled with her beautiful
yard and her amazing ability to garden!
In another post I will have to show pictures of our yard
right after our house was built and finished when I was only 2 years old.
 You would know how far this yard has come over the course of all those years.
But for now I just want to brag about what a green thumb
my mom has become!
She literally spends hours a day working
on her flower and vegetable gardens.

 My parents have enjoyed unseasonably cool temperatures that have kept their yard a beautiful green this year.
I love how beautiful these pictures are that she keeps sending...
and love my nieces and nephews enjoying it all.
Oh how much I love
my mom's flower gardens!

Now if only she could rub some of that green thumb onto me!

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