Saturday, June 15, 2013

The Reveal

Several weeks ago I showed you a
of a photo shoot we did with our young women.

We had a great lesson given to us by
about our individual worth
and about how others truly see us.

I believe that night...
more than any other night we've had with our
that the vulnerability
of admiting how we truly feel about ourselves...
gave us a "real" glimpse
into each of our hearts.

That is why revealing these pictures...
gives me so much joy.
It shows that they are beautiful girls who have
 spirits full of love
and so much potential for good in this world.
And I'm proud to know them.
Each one of them.
Proud to work with them...
and proud to watch them grow!

Megan, Allison, Montana, Tonya, Jessica
Katee and myself 

 Nickname: Jess
easy-going, happy, optimistic, fun
 Katee is the coolest leader I know!

 Nickname: Megs
inquisitive, obedient, strong, talented
Name: Montana
comedian, artistic, friendly, life of party
Nickname: Ali
graceful, talented dancer, strong, spirited
Name: Tonya
shy, funny, easy to love

It was almost a year ago that I began working with these girls
and while some things will change...
and they will move on,
one thing remains the same...
I will ALWAYS love them and treasure the time I've had to work with them!

Disclaimer:  Megan Morris took these amazing pictures. We were missing two of our girls, Sydney and Tenille. They were missed and are deeply loved too!

1 comment :

Unknown said...

Nice Edits :) they look awesome!